Posts tagged "environmental solutions"


How to answer that title? LOL... Hmmm, sometimes you can breath quite healthy air, but most of the time, it's polluted. New creative way has been used by Chinese, from the mist cannons, drones and finally, people lately are buying fresh air from Canada... How could this be possible?   A woman is using an air filter to breath in Beijing   Breathing Canadian Fresh Air in China You can breathe the Lake Louise Air in China. It's cool, right? So to answer the title, the answer is by '...

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New shipping opportunities

Senior government officials from Japan and Norway believe that developing environmental solutions is set to be a new growth area for the marine and shipping industries. In a message to the opening ceremony of Sea Japan 2014 in Tokyo on Wednesday, Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, said he had high hopes that the marine resource management market would become a new growth area. Other Japanese government officials underscored the view that the green revolution in shipping provided business...

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