Posts tagged "cultural differences"


Cheers, it's Friday everyone! Next month will mark my 3 years staying in China, yeay! Well, if I may describe China, I'll describe it in 3 words : China Is Tough. The feeling when you step out from your comfort zone and live in a different part of the world where the culture is different, and you know a little about it - yes the mix of exciting, anxious, nervous, happy or other feelings, you name it. Moreover, the place that you move in is the most populous country and one of the biggest countr...

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My First Inspection

Today I am going to tell you about my first eye-opening inspection in China. To tell you shortly about my background, I come from a business school in Finland and currently doing my internship in China. My previous job experience includes mainly positions in the retail and insurance sector. Now, I am responsible of marketing, and basically all the consulting services we do for international trade are a completely new field for me, which makes this all super interesting.   There are a lot...

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The Chinese “Chabuduo” Attitude

When you are doing business with Chinese people, it is highly recommended to learn about the cultural differences in order to be successful and prevent mistakes and problems with Chinese suppliers. Sometimes Chinese words and expressions are a good guide towards some of these cultural differences. In particular, when a word or phrase is complex to translate, it often means there is a cultural difference involved.   A good example of these words is the expression Chà bu duō  (差不多...

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