Posts tagged "canada"


How to answer that title? LOL... Hmmm, sometimes you can breath quite healthy air, but most of the time, it's polluted. New creative way has been used by Chinese, from the mist cannons, drones and finally, people lately are buying fresh air from Canada... How could this be possible?   A woman is using an air filter to breath in Beijing   Breathing Canadian Fresh Air in China You can breathe the Lake Louise Air in China. It's cool, right? So to answer the title, the answer is by '...

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International Trade Priority In Canada

ECONOMIC SANCTIONS Canada imposes economic sanctions against a number of countries pursuant to the Special Economic Measures Act and the United Nations Act. In Budget 2014, the federal government has acknowledged that the due diligence requirements under Canada's economic sanctions place a significant burden on the private sector. For example, existing sanctions strictly regulate interactions with designated individuals and entities, whose names are contained in 19 separate lists located on f...

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Things To Know About The TPP

The three-year-old Trans-Pacific Partnership talks, now involving 12 nations, are aimed at lowering trade barriers across a wide range of sectors in 12 Pacific Rim counties that would stretch from U.S. to New Zealand and from Japan to Chile. TPP, arguably the most important trade agreement in a generation, emerged following nearly a decade of disappointment in trade talks. The World Trade Organization’s Doha Development Round of talks first collapsed in 2003 and effectively died with th...

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