Posts tagged "agriculture"

Organic Gardening Emerging in India

GURGAON –- Ritu Mathur poked the soil in the potted plants and flowerbeds of her garden filled with organic vegetables and fruits. “Snails!” she exclaimed — before finishing, “are a problem.” Getting rid of pests can be the biggest challenge in organic farming, which is done entirely without pesticides or insecticides. Mathur uses pheromone traps and sticky traps as well as a garlic and red chili paste to get rid of the bugs. Still, rats can be a menace. So why go through all t...

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5 Ways China Can Rise Its Imports

China’s growing middle class will become a strong source of purchasing power by reaching up to 630 million over the next decade. The primary objective for the Chinese government is to meet the expected demand and become a more customer-driven economy. The Chinese government restricts imports of American goods and has high tariffs on goods Chinese consumers are willing to buy. By decreasing tariffs on the imported goods China could help itself to obtain its objectives. Next will be introduced s...

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